radio edit
All my friends are talking to me Rumble in the jungle Back on the mic All my friends are talking to me Don't be afraid it's just my work Here comes the night The only way to have a friend All my friends are talking to me |
Všichni moji přátelé mi říkají
Dunění v džungli Zpátky u mikrofonu Všichni moji přátelé mi říkají Nebojte se, je to jen má práce Přichází noc Jediný způsob, jak mít přítele Všichni moji přátelé mi říkají |
club mix
Here comes the night Here comes the night All my friends are talking to me Rumble in the jun - gle - gle - gle - gle... All my friends are talking to me |
starsplash remix
All my friends are talking to me All my friends are talking to me |
NA |
langenhagen remix
R - r - rumble in the jungle Ev - ev - everything's alright All my friends are talking to me Ev - ev - everything's alright Back on the mic All my friends are talking to me Yeah Everything's alright Rumble in the jungle Here comes the night |
Here comes the night Rumble in the jungle Back on the mic All my friends are talking to me Don't be afraid it's just my work Here comes the night The only way to have a friend All my friends are talking to me |
lmc mix
All... Back on the mic All my friends are talking to me Aaargh... All... All... All... |
almighty mix
Talking to me... Rumble in the jungle T - t - talking to me... Rumble in the jungle T - t - talking to me... Back on the mic Rumble in the jungle T - t - talking to me... T - t - talking to me... T - t - talking to me... |
the night
01 Radio Edit
02 Club Mix
02 Starsplash Remix
03 Langenhagen Remix